Green Valley Women’s Golfers

Board Meeting


January 5, 2010


  1. Reading of the Minutes
  2. Old Business
  3. Team Play Dates
  4. Christmas Luncheon, Toy Drive
  5. WGAN Delegate meeting at Castlewood, Melody Scott
  6. NEW Business
  7. Questions about dues, joining middle of the year
  8. Publicity reporting to news papers.  (Standing rule, states every week)
  9. Julie Osborn, Invitational
  10. Sarah Johnson, New Member mixer in February
  11. Informal Guest Day March
  12. Calendar and directory changes

1. Open day

2. Eastbay team play

3. Corrections:

  Brafford, Kathy  (no d)

  Brooks, Linda (add ay for Kay)

  1. Open Forum Q&A