Green Valley Women Golfers

Board Meeting Minutes
November 3, 2009
2:30 p.m.


Members in Attendance – Cindy Hamilton, Joan Mumaugh, Deanne Ikard, Debbie McGuire, Joanna Chew, Lynne Waslohn, Diane Thompson, Alice Delgado, Jane Sullivan, Itsuko Moriadara, Julie Osborn, Dolly Coleman, Diane Kelly.

Meeting was called to order at 2:15 p.m. by Joanna Chew, Captain

Minutes from October were read and approved.

Mini Invitational Update

Due to the date change, 16 players were lost. There will be a carryover of around $60. Date next year will be June 15.

Championship Tournament

It was suggested that the championship tournament be changed next year to July. A standing rule change is required to make the date change. A motion was made, seconded and approved to make the change for next year.


Deb McGuire brought up the discussion regarding limiting the number of home/home days for next year. There will be only one per group next year. Green Valley is scheduled for April 27 and that date will be kept – Marin, Napa and Siverado will be invited. Napa will not host one next year and we will alternate years with them. Yolo is scheduled for August 24 next year, Silverado is scheduled for August 31 and Marin is scheduled for September 9. Motion was made, seconded and approved to alternate years with Napa.


Residual Money Allocation

There is approximately $2000 remaining after the invitational. $1,000 needs to be reserved. Discussion ensued as to what to do with the remaining excess, but no decision was made.

Christmas Party

Carolyn Roth and Deanna Bergeson will chair the toy drive again this year. Gifts will go to Travis families, Safequest and other needy families in Fairfield. Cost will be $21 per person.

Board Luncheon

Joanna Chew will host the luncheon on Thursday, December 3.

WGANC Delegate

Melody Scott will represent GVCC at the December 7 meeting at Castlewood.
WGANC dues will increase $5.00 per person next year.

Team Play Results

East Bay Team Play was at GreenValley on October 30. Overall, Green Valley placed as follows: our A group placed second in gross, C group placed second net, and overall we placed 5th.

Meeting was adjourned at 2:55.

Respectfully Submitted,

Lynne Waslohn, Secretary