Green Valley Women Golfers

Board Meeting Minutes
May 5, 2009
2:30 p.m.


Members in Attendance –  Cindy Hamilton, Pam Angen, Diane Thompson, Sharon Murray, Diane Kelly, Alice Delgado, Julie Osborne, Joann West, Betsy Martin.

Meeting was called to order at 2:10 p.m. by Cindy Hamilton, Co- Captain

Invitational 10 Game Requirement

Nadine Hotaling has requested that the 10 game requirement be dropped for the invitational, stating that the requirement is discriminatory.  Per the Board of Directors of Green Valley, the decision was made that all Green Valley lady members can play in the invitational but must abide by the 18 hole ladies’ rules and requirements for participation.

As a result of the discussion, the Board decided to make a change to the standing rule, extending the time frame for the 10 most recent games to the following:  “All participants in the invitational must have posted ten games from June 15 of the previous year to June 15 of the current year in order to be eligible to play”.  Motion was made, seconded and passed to change the standing rule.

Old Business

Guest Day – The April 21 guest day had 65 participants.  $1,750 in Silpada jewelry was sold. A total of $528 will be provided for the invitational.  There will be three raffle gifts – two of three pieces valued at around $200 each and one at $128.  Winners can get a gift certificate for merchandise if requested. 

Pam Angen noted that there were no posting sheets on the tables and members were not provided with a bill to sign.  The decision was made not to do the jewelry again as everyone already has an abundance.

Charity Day – Scheduled for June 3 per Cindy Hamilton.  American Cancer Society of Solano County will be the recipient of the funds collected.

Invitational Update -  It was reported that everything is moving along nicely.

New Business

Home and Home­ – Sign up sheets are posted.  Deb McGuire is in charge and numbers attending need to be provided to El Macero by May 25.

Guest Day  – Next guest day is June 9.

Home and  Home – On June 16 GVCC will sponsor home and home for Napa, Marin, and possibly Silverado.

Futures – At Meador Club on June 4 and Silverado on June 30.  Deann Ikard is in charge.

Bernice Dunlop tournament – Jasmine Dunlop needs to be contacted about the tournament as is was to last ten years.  It will expire in either 2010 or 2011.

Minutes from both April and May will be read at June’s meeting.

Meeting was adjourned at 2:40.

Respectfully Submitted,


Pam Angen for
Lynne Waslohn