Green Valley Women Golfers

Board Meeting – March 6, 2007


Members in Attendance – Joan Mumaugh, Cindy Hamilton, Lynne Waslohn, Diane Kelly, Diane Thompson, Mary G. Whiting, Judy Maderious, Nancy French, Elaine Lauck, Deanne Ikard, Marilyn Walker.


Meeting was called to order at 2:15 p.m. by Joan Mumaugh, Captain.


Minutes from February 6, 2007 were read and approved.


Old Business

  1. 2006 Invitational financial report – Diane Thompson reported on income and expenses for the 2006 invitational.  Net after expenses was $463.99 which is carried over to this year.
  2.  Trunk Show – Diane Thompson reported that the Tail trunk show will occur on April 3 after golf.  The representative will be at the mansion at 1:00 p.m. and will stay through lunch for everyone to try on clothes.  Orders will be placed in the pro shop.  Flyers will be posted to advertise the event.


Committee Reports:

  1. Captain’s report – WGANC will be requiring all clubs to hold a fundraiser this year to benefit junior girls’ golf.  Itsuko Moridaira will be in charge of the tournament which will be held in the fall at our club.
  2. 2007 Invitational Charity – Deanne Ikard, co-chair of the invitational, reported that the cost of the invitational this year will be $175 per player.  Excess sponsor funds will be donated to Child Haven.  The committee agreed unanimously to include a charity in the event.
  3. Invitational – Deanne Ikard reported that the budget will be under control for the invitational and sponsor letters will be going out soon.  The format will be a little different this year, with the horse race open to everyone as a kick-off event on Wednesday, with a cocktail party following.  Theme this year is to be “Swinger Retro”.
  4. 18/9er Mixer – Scheduled for 4/17.  Cindy Hamilton reported that the sign up sheets are posted and she is in communication with the 9er’s.
  5. Membership – Mary Gay Whiting provided a rough draft of the letter she and Penny Fisher composed to be sent to all new members at the club.  She will also be revising the rules for members of the 18 hole women’s group.  They will be sending the letter to new club members on Green Valley letterhead and following up with a telephone call inviting new members to join the group.
  6. Open Day – Judy Maderious reported that letters are being sent today for the open day to be held on Friday, April 13.  She needs spotters and men to help unload bags.  This year the snacks will be in bags on the carts to speed up play.  Cost will be $40 per player.
  7. Golf Committee – Nancy French reported that the committee is considering trimming the tree on #4 hole.  The committee also discussed the ongoing issue with too many carts on the course per foursome.  Suggestions were made to post signs on #1 & #10 indicating that only 2 carts per foursome are allowed.
  8. East Bay Team Play – Marilyn Walker reported that there is plenty of participation this year, with the first two days filled already.  The sign-up sheet is posted in the locker room.
  9. North Bay Team Play – Diane Thompson reported she will be attending the first meeting ion March 16 to get all the information.
  10. Guest Day – Elaine Lauck and Loretta McIinnis will be meeting to discuss.  First guest day is May 22 and each member may have 3 guests.


Meeting was adjourned at 3:15 p.m.


Respectfully Submitted,


Lynne Waslohn, Secretary